
-What is Social TV
“Millions of people are now partaking of the “dual-screen” experience — watching TV while using a smartphone (or tablet) to share (primarily on Twitter and Facebook) their thoughts about what they’re viewing and to “check in” to shows (on services like GetGlue and Viggle). The result: a massive and rapidly expanding real-time focus group (and promotional force).” At YouPlusMedia, we see an opportunity to participate in Social TV through our Social Engagement Platform.
“Social TV can make TV better.
Chris Stephenson is both a hard-charging new-media executive as president of Viggle — the “loyalty program for TV” that launched in January — and a pop-culture addict who takes naked delight in making what’s fun TV even … funner. “People talk a lot about ‘social TV,'” Stephenson told me over coffee in San Francisco, “but we don’t think that way at Viggle. We think more about ‘better TV.’ We want to add a layer of enjoyment to television-watching which enhances the experience and rewards people for their loyalty and engagement. While many of the social-TV apps rely on the basic principle of ‘sharing my check-ins,’ we think about deep engagement, polls, trivia, mood-o-meters, etc.””
Article by Simon Dumenco, the “Media Guy” media columnist for Advertising Age.