Last week, YouPlus Dallas was honored to win the Dallas Observer’s ‘Best Dallas Website’ for a second year in a row. Recognition is always wonderful but being chosen for one of the Dallas Observer’s ‘Best Of’ awards is truly an honor as those involved with the process are sincerely invested in sharing what they love most about our city.
Joe Tone, editor at the Dallas Observer, said, “The news business can be very cynical. This is the one week a year where that cynicism (mostly) falls away and we just gush about our favorite things. It feels strange, but it feels good.”
The Observers ‘Best Of’ awards set themselves apart by not giving into the politics of voting, they simply observe their city and pick what they believe to be the best.
“We pile into a bar and start outlining categories and possible winners. We argue a little bit. We argue some more. And either someone argues the best, or, in certain categories, we rely on the expert: the food critic for “Best Burger,” the theater critic for “Best Actor,” the bars and clubs editor for “Best New Bar.” It’s like Family Feud but without the cool music,” Tone said.
Another reason to be a proud recipient of a Dallas Observer ‘Best Of’ is the intense creativity and thought that goes into the process every year. They don’t simply honor the “Best Burger” or “Best Local Band,” they delve deep into the character of our city and find things both strange and unique to award, like “Best Grocery Store for Creepers” or “Best Happy Hour to Meet a (Hopefully) Single Businessman.”
“Usually that indicates that there was a place we wanted to celebrate that didn’t fit naturally into a category,” Tone said. “Best Place to Leave Your Toddler Unattended While You Have a Cocktail” is obviously not something we spent a lot of time debating. Someone clearly ditched their kid at Bookmarks, the library at the mall, and went for a mojito. Then they thought, Man, this is the best! And thus, a new category was born.”
Scroll through the Observer’s extensive and colorful categories to find out just exactly where is the “Best Place to Arm Oneself for the Coming Zombie Apocalypse” and discover the best of what Dallas has to offer.